Filandia, Quindío, Colombia

Owner and Grower: Diego Martínez Quiñónez

I met Diego in January 2011. He arranged for me to pick my very first cherries on one of the coffee farms that sells to his café. I stayed up late enamored by the stars, then got up early to pile bags of coffee high on a Willy and send them into town for sale. Unbeknownst to me or Diego, thus began my relationship with coffee growing.

Diego’s the real deal Juan Valdez: thick moustache, dark hair under the sombrero aguadeño, carriel crossing the chest, poncho slung over the shoulder.

III Encuentro Departamental de Cafés Especiales
Diego representing Gaviota at III Encuentro Departamental de Cafés Especiales

“Coffee with the scent of a woman” is stamped over an image of Angelina Jolie licking her luscious lips on the side of the coffee machine. How could you not want a sip of that? That slogan comes from Colombia’s treasured 1990s soap opera “Café con aroma de mujer” filmed in the same town.

Certified: Rainforest, UTZ, Starbucks

Participates in the One Village, One Product project

2008 awarded 1st place for coffee grown in Quindío

2013 exhibited at SCAA Boston

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